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Welcome to Long Island Quilters' Society

Introducing our New Digital Membership!

Can't make it to meetings? Our digital membership is the perfect option for staying connected.

Only $20 - that's 50% off of our full membership!

Here's what you'll get:

  • Access to All Online Presentations
  • Monthly Newsletter packed with inspiration, tips and Guild updates.

Over the past couple years, non-members have asked if they could attend our virtual presentations. We created this membership for you!

This option is perfect if:

  • You live outside our area
  • Have a busy schedule
  • Or simply prefer the flexibility of online access.

Join today! Connect with our vibrant community, sharpen your skills, and enjoy all the creativity and camaraderie from the comfort of your own home.

Please click on the Join Us page for additional details.

Long Island Quilters' Society is a flourishing Long Island quilting community and formed as an organization dedicated to encouraging the growth and development of the time-honored skill of quilting through art, education, and service. We are 140 members strong ... and growing!

For Full Members, our Meetings are generally held on the third Monday of the month at the Freeport Recreation Center, 130 East Merrick Rd., Freeport, NY 11520. Meetings alternate between mornings and evenings. Morning meetings meet at 10 a.m. Evening meetings meet at 6:30-8:30 due to requirements of the Freeport Rec.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have regarding LIQS. We always look forward to hearing from fellow quilters and welcome new members!

For Your Attention


New - Please check our News/Events section above for information about upcoming programs!

Visit our Facebook Page!!

New - Common Threads Hand Sewing Group now meets every Wednesday at 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM in the community room at Coes Neck Park, 1240 Coes Neck Rd in Baldwin. The group resumed meeting in January. All hand stitchers/fiber arts are welcome.  Long tables are also available to sandwich a quilt, etc.


Our February Meeting will be on Monday the 24th at 10:00 AM followed by Station Rotation.  We are still in need of 2 more presenters, however!!  Give a 15 minute demonstration of something you have learned! Contact Mary Ellen Orchard.